List of Harwich Ponds

Click on links in “Pond Name” column to see pond in Google Maps

Click on links in “CCC GIS ID” column to see pond on the Cape Cod Commission’s Pond Viewer

Pond Name Town CCC GIS ID Notes Area (acres) Max Depth (ft) Approximate location
Long Pond Part in Brewster BR-279 742.95 70 North of Rte 6, between Rte 137 and Rte 124
Seymour Pond Part in Brewster HA-306 183.38 38 Pleasant Lake Ave/Punkhorn Rd
Hinckleys Pond Harwich HA-353 Bogs on east and west ends of pond; recently abandoned 174.76 28 Pleasant Lake Ave/Headwaters Dr
West Reservoir Harwich HA-530 72.77 6 Depot St/Bells Neck Rd
Walkers Pond Harwich HA-358 36.17 27 Spruce Rd/Nathan Walker Rd
Bucks Pond Harwich HA-420 34.37 Route 39/Queen Anne
Cahoon Pond Part in Brewster BR-299 32.9 14 Rt 137/Mid-Cape Hwy
Robbins Pond Harwich HA-386 32.76 12 Factory Rd
Hawksnest Pond Harwich HA-354 29.55 Hawksnest/Nathan Walker Rd
Grass Pond Harwich HA-579 28.46 3 Forest St/Bank St.
Sand Pond Harwich HA-525 23.39 25 Great Western Rd/Deacons Folly Rd
Mill Pond – Chatham Mostly Chatham CH-440 22.98 16 Queen Anne/Duncan Ln
John Josephs Pond Harwich HA-416 21.81 55 Queen Anne/John Joseph’s Rd
Aunt Edies Pond Harwich HA-376 21.78 7 Oak St
Skinequit Pond Harwich HA-629 18.06 32 Uncle Venies Rd/Skinequit Rd
Smalls Pond Mostly Brewster BR-314 17.32 10 Cahoon Rd
Flax Pond Harwich HA-507 Bogs on east and west ends of pond 15.1 18 Main St/Fairview Ave
Olivers Pond Harwich HA-351 14.6 Hawksnest Rd/Round Cove Rd
Mill Pond Part in Brewster HA-310 13.58 15 Rt 137/Long Pond Dr
Cornelius Pond Harwich HA-381 12.73 7 Queen Anne/Jay Z Dr
Grassy Pond Part in Brewster BR-319 12.6 Olde Homestead Way/Mid-Cape Hwy
White Pond Part in Dennis HA-414 12.3 Old Chatham Rd/Lynch Lane
Paddocks Pond Harwich HA-562 12.12 Chatham Rd/Long Rd
Black Pond — Brewster Part in Brewster BR-316 11.37 Crowells Bog Rd
Mud Pond Part in Brewster HA-300 11.01 Mary Willet Ct
Black Pond Harwich HA-364 9.35 Hawksnest/Nathan Walker Rd
Sand Lake Harwich HA-418 8.3 Shady Drive/Rainbow Way
Andrews Pond Harwich HA-442 6.87 Bakers Drive
Littlefields Pond Harwich HA-387 5.43 Littlefield Pond Rd
Dark Bottom Pond Mostly Brewster BR-377 4.97 Depot St/Littlefield Pond Rd
Island Pond Harwich HA-532 2.88 Bike trail/Island Pond Cemetery
Kiddies Pond Harwich HA-424 2.66 Rainbow Way/Queen Anne
Rushy Pond Harwich HA-465 1.77 Depot Rd/ Rt 39
Jack's Pond Harwich HA-404 Unnamed in 2003 Atlas 1.76 Queen Anne/Lakeway Ln
Abrams Pond Harwich HA-500 0.82 Crestview Drive/Monument Way
Okers Pond Harwich HA-557 0.71 Marthas Lane
Washburn Pond bit in Brewster HA-393 0.59 Old Chatham Rd/Lynch Lane
Aunt Rennie's Pond Harwich HA-1131 0.33 Rt 39/Happy Way
*** Harwich HA-1156 2.36 Cape Cod National Golf (Wequassett)
*** Harwich HA-446 1.58 Cranberry Valley
*** Harwich HA-403 1.42 Cranberry Valley/Queen Anne Rd
*** Harwich HA-331 1.23 Cahoon Rd
*** Harwich HA-1105 Next to active bogs 1.16 Bog Lane
Harwich HA-645 Filled in as part of Cold Brook restoration 0.89 Cold Brook preserve
Harwich HA-1135 Pond or vernal pool?  Often dry 0.86 Walker Woods Dr
Harwich HA-1068 0.76 Main St/ Herring River
Harwich HA-301 0.69 Jasper Moore Trail
Harwich HA-486 0.69 Rt 39/Hidden Pond Cir
Harwich HA-1133 0.57 Bike Trail/Mid-Cape Hwy
Harwich HA-489 0.53 Bike Trail near Andrews Pond
Harwich HA-461 0.45 Cranberry Valley
Harwich HA-508 Next to active bogs 0.44 Bike Path/North Side of Coulson bogs
Harwich HA-1134 0.38 Cranberry Hollow Lane
Harwich HA-454 0.37 Depot Rd/Rt 39
Harwich HA-531 0.35 Main St/Lothrop Ave
Harwich HA-537 0.34 Island Pond Cemetery
Harwich HA-1110 Next to active bogs 0.34 Evergreen Way
Harwich HA-512 0.32 Town Forest/Chatham line
Harwich HA-434 0.28 Obed Brooks Rd
Harwich HA-520 Next to active bogs 0.27 Main St. Bogs
Harwich HA-1075 Next to active bogs 0.27 Bogs between Kendrick Rd and Bay Rd
Harwich HA-374 0.24 Nathan Walker Rd
Harwich Four new shallow ponds under construction as part of Cold Brook restoration
Harwich Two or three apparent ponds in wetland between Headwaters and Mid-Cape just south of Regal Care

Sources and Useful Links

Cape Cod Commission Updated Pond Atlas Pond Viewer

2021 Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas [Cape Cod Commission]

Cape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas Final Report May 2003 [Cape Cod Commission]

Priority Ponds Project, Harwich Conservation Trust